So… how do you feel? Name * First Name Last Name How would you rate your overall experience of DanceTalk? (5 being the best) * 1 2 3 4 5 If we could do anything to improve our event or community, what would it be? * Do you think you'd prefer having only 2 teachers per day and longer sessions in the future? * It felt like people had a LOT to ask (which is amazing). I wonder if we'd get even more value from doing 2 teachers so we get more time with them. Yes 2 would be better No I really liked 3 £49 was a great value price for the day * Yes I'd happily pay £49 again for this Yes AND I think it was worth more No, it's too expensive for me If the event was only £49, how often would you attend a DanceTalk event? * I know there are factors that would affect this, but just to get a rough idea. Once a month 4 times a year 2 times a year Once a year How do you feel about the amount of people at the event? * I think 25-30 people is a good amount I wish there were less people There could have been more people Would you pay to see the SAME teachers again? But presenting different topics? * Yes I'd love a deeper dive with the same teachers No I wouldnt come again if it was the same teachers What teachers would you love to see at DanceTalk in the future? * * I would reccommend DanceTalk to a friend Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I feel more inspired to start and engage in conversations about more than dance * Yes No Any other feedback? Thoughts? Feelings? * Thank you!