Ainsley Ricketts
‘Teaching for me has always been about creating a space for people to explore themselves. The reason I have interest in sharing at DanceTalk is because it also provides the chance to communicate further with people attending class and gives us a chance discuss our views and answer questions, together.’
Christie Lee Manning
‘I have been on my own self-evolutionary journey since I was 15 years old. Much of my career has been supporting the mindset and mental health of fellow dancers, and creating educational platforms and experiences that I wish existed when I was growing up. As the founder of The Inside Out Theory, a podcast for performing artists, this kind of event is the most natural collaboration. I am very excited to join DanceTalk on this journey and support this incredible endeavour.’
Shannelle 'Tali' Fergus
‘As (mostly) freelance individuals, pursuing a creative career can feel lonely at times - sharing experiences and humanising our leaders can make it less so. I will always want to contribute to events that offer a well rounded view of the dance industry/community and look forward to connecting with my fellow faculty and all who attend.’
Kevin Howe
‘DanceTalk is a platform where I can share my experiences and insights, not only with fellow dancers but also with young, up-and-coming artists who may be grappling with similar conflicts that I did. By connecting and offering support, I hope to contribute to their growth and inspire them to navigate the dance industry's challenges with resilience and authenticity. This event symbolizes an opportunity for personal growth and a chance to make a positive impact on the next generation of artists.’