A community dedicated to providing a safe space for dancers to talk about more than movement. OUR STORY 'You're going to change lives. One event at a time.' 'Thank you for creating this. I hope others get the chance to experience it' 'It left me feeling so not alone in this world and in how I'm feeling. It was amazing' 'Conversation is so important... events like this are so important and I can't wait to go to more' 'Thank you for creating a beautiful environment for people to share their experiences, talk and learn' 'Never felt so validated, seen and safe in a dance space and things like this need to be the norm' 'I just can't wait for the next one! I loved making new friends in the environment' 'It was honestly so clarifying and refreshing to be in a space like this and feel fully that this needs to be made more common' 'You've created the safest, most freeing space. I had such a great time' Want to talk? Sign up with your email address to be the first to hear about future events, discounts and special offers Email Address Let's talk Thank you! ‘This space is so important. I can’t wait for the next one’